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Which Type of Birth Control Is Right for Me?

Which Type of Birth Control Is Right for Me?

Birth control allows women to take control of their health and bodies by preventing unintended pregnancies. But no single contraception method is the right choice for all women. Which type is right for you depends on many factors, such as effectiveness and convenience, current health needs, and your future pregnancy plans. 

Our team of specialists at Obstetricians & Gynecologists, PC, in Grand Island and Hastings, Nebraska, provides birth control counseling to help women find the method that best meets their needs. Here, we describe several birth control options and how to find the right one for you.

Know your options

You have many choices when it comes to birth control. It’s important to know about the different types, how they work, and how good they are at preventing pregnancy. Here are some of your birth control options.

Tubal ligation

Tubal ligation, or what many refer to as “having your tubes tied,” is a surgical procedure that blocks or cuts the fallopian tube to prevent your egg from joining with sperm. Tubal ligation is a very effective form of birth control, but it’s permanent. 

We only recommend this procedure for women who have no future plans for pregnancy.

Long-acting methods

The birth control implant and intrauterine device (IUD) are long-acting forms of birth control. These devices are placed in your body and prevent pregnancy for three or more years by stopping your ovaries from releasing an egg or preventing sperm from reaching an egg for fertilization.

These methods of birth control are almost as effective as tubal ligation, but they’re reversible. 

Short-term hormonal methods

Short-term hormonal methods include the birth control pill, shot, and patch. These medications contain hormones that stop your ovaries from releasing an egg and make it impossible for sperm to reach an egg. They’re easily reversible when you’re ready to start a family.

Short-term hormonal methods of birth control are most effective when taken as prescribed. Delaying or forgetting a dose decreases their effectiveness.

Barrier methods

Condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps are barrier methods of birth control that stop sperm from reaching the egg. When used correctly, these methods are as effective at preventing pregnancy as short-term hormonal methods. 

And, unlike any of the other contraceptive methods, condoms protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Determine your needs

Once you have a good understanding of your contraception options, you need to take your birth control needs into consideration when deciding which type is right for you. 

Do you need birth control to prevent pregnancy now but want to have children in the future? Are you finished having kids and want a long-term solution to prevent pregnancy? Can birth control help you manage a gynecological issue like endometriosis? Are you concerned about STDs?

Answers to these questions can help you decide what method (or methods) of birth control is the right choice for you.

Talk to your OB/GYN

Do you still feel a little overwhelmed about your birth control choices? You don’t have to make this decision on your own. 

Our team of women’s health experts specialize in birth control and can talk to you about the methods that best fit your needs, discuss the pros and cons, and help you figure it all out. They also provide prescriptions and perform any necessary procedures. 

Birth control helps you stay in control of your health, but no single method is the right choice for everyone. Let us help you find the right one for you. You can request an appointment online anytime or call our office at the location nearest you.

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